Warrnambool & District Baptist Church


John 2:1-12

Today we continued our series in John, and Christian Schultink brought our sermon this morning.The Bible reading today is John 2:1-12.

John 1:19-34

Today we continue our series in John, which began on Christmas Day, and will continue until Easter.Today’s Bible reading is John 1:19-34.

Advent – Micah

Today we continue our Advent services, working towards Christmas. Our Bible Reading today is Micah 5:1-4. Brendan Short is bringing our message today.

Ecclesiastes 8:2 – 10:20

Today we continue our series in Ecclesiastes, the Bible reading is Ecclesiastes 9:13-18, although we’re looking at the whole of 8:2 – 10:20 in the sermon.

Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12

Today we continue our series in Ecclesiastes, focusing on the Teacher’s words about wealth. The Bible reading is Ecclesiastes 5:8 – 6:12.