Micah 6-7: The God of love and power January 24, 2021 Final message from our Micah series, on Micah chapters 6 and 7
Micah 1: The God who speaks December 28, 2020 First sermon in our new series on Micah, to go through January 2021. The Bible reading is Micah 1.
Jesus, The promised one December 20, 2020 Second message in our Christmas series. Brendan Short preaching on Psalm 72.
Bible Heroes: Moses November 25, 2020 Malcolm brings us the next message in our Bible Heroes series, on Moses.The reading is Exodus 33:7-23.
Bible heroes: Hannah November 16, 2020 Brendan preaching on the next message in our Bible Heroes series, on Hannah from 1 Samuel.The readings are: 1 Samuel 1:1-28 and 1 Samuel 2:18-21