Today we continue our series in Romans: Part One: The Gospel.Our reading today is Romans 1:18-32.
Today we continue our series in Romans: Part One: The Gospel.Our reading today is Romans 1:18-32.
Today we continue our series in Romans, and our reading is Romans 2:1-29.Geoff Russell is bringing our message today.
Today we begin our new series in the book of Romans. Our series will cover the first half of Romans (chapters 1-8), and it’s all about The Gospel. Our reading today is Romans 1:1-17
Today was our final sermon in our “Frontline” series, considering how we can Support, Encourage and Equip each other to serve God on our Frontlines.Our Bible reading today is Colossians 3:9-17
Today we continue our Frontline series with the last of the 6 “M”‘s – How we can be a Messenger of the Gospel. Our readings today are 1 Peter 3:13-16 and Colossians 4:2-6
Today in our Frontline series, we’re considering how we can Mould Culture where we are. The Bible reading today is Matthew 5:1-16.
Today in our Frontline series, our focus is on how we can Minister Love and Grace where we find ourselves. The Bible reading is Luke 10:25-37.
Today we continue our Frontline series, and the focus is on how we can “Make Good Work” where God has placed us. The Bible reading is Colossians 3:15-25.
Today we continue our new “Frontline” series. The topic today is “Model Godly Character”, and our Bible reading is Galatians 5:13-26.