Warrnambool & District Baptist Church

Sermons (Page 6)

Acts 17:1-15

Today we hear about the apostle Paul continuing his second missionary journey, through the towns of Thessalonica and Berea. The reading is Acts 17:1-15.

Acts 15:36 – 16:10

In today’s message, Paul and his companions begin their second missionary journey. In this text, Paul’s team changes composition, and Paul receives guidance from God on where to go.The reading is Acts 15:36 – 16:10, and Geoff Russell is preaching today.

Acts 14:1-28

Today we continue our series in Acts, as we follow Paul’s first missionary journey to it’s conclusion.The reading is Acts 14:1-28.

Acts 13:1-12

Today we begin our new series in Acts Part Three: The gospel to the ends of the world.Over the next eleven weeks we’ll be working through the final section of Acts, as we follow the apostle Paul on three missionary journeys, and then finally to Rome.Our sermons will cover every second section in Acts, and […]

Amos 9:1-15

Today we conclude our series in the book of Amos. We consider a great summary of some key points from the book so far, and the promise of restoration, as we look at Amos 9:1-15.

Amos 5:1-27

Today we continue our series in Amos. Geoff Russell is bringing our message today, on Amos 5:1-27.